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House Member: Tapera Must be Optional, Voluntary


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

7 June 2024 18:44 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaMember of the Finance Commission of the House of Representatives from PDIP faction Hendrawan Supratikno claimed that some factions agreed to postpone the Housing Savings Policy (Tapera). 

"Most of the factions seem to agree that the program should be postponed and its feasibility reviewed," Hendrawan told Tempo on Friday, June 7, 2024.

According to Hendrawan, the program must be optional since it uses a savings mechanism. Workers shouldn’t be required to have their salaries cut for Tapera. People would participate in the program voluntarily once they see the benefits, he said.

Hendrawan said the relevant commissions at DPR are currently discussing the matter but are interrupted by discussions of the State Budget. "The relevant commissions will certainly hold working meetings (on Tapera). They are currently busy with meetings regarding the State Budget (APBN)," said Hendrawan.

Head of DPR Infrastructure Commission Lasarus shared Hendrawan’s sentiment. Lasarus said special meetings must be held to discuss Tapera. "To ensure the issue is resolved. We get a lot of questions (about Tapera), hence I ask the government to postpone the policy. We’ll invite entrepreneurs, labor representatives, then Tapera’s representatives," said Lasarus.

The Labor Party had previously expressed its objection towards Tapera. Labor Party chair Said Iqbal, called for the repeal of the Tapera Law since it’s considered detrimental to society. He said the regulation must not be adopted at the tail end of the current government.

The Labor Party is poised to stage protests across Indonesian provinces if President Joko Widodo fails to revoke the Government Regulation concerning Tapera.


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