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Apindo Rejects Govt Rule to Cut Workers Wage for Tapera, Calls Policy 'New Burden'


Ririe Ranggasari


Laila Afifa

28 May 2024 20:48 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) rejects the government's policy of deducting three percent of private workers' wages as a premium for the Public Housing Savings or Tapera program. On May 20, President Joko Widodo signed Government Regulation (PP) No. 21 of 2024 on the implementation of Tapera, a revision of PP No. 25 of 2020.

"The latest Tapera program will only add new burdens, both for employers and employees," Apindo chairwoman Shinta Kamdani said in an official statement, on Tuesday, May 28.

According to Shinta, employers already bear the burden of BPJS Health and BPJS Employment premiums, which amount to 18.24-19.74 percent of workers' income. She said the burden of the premiums was getting heavier due to the depreciation of the rupiah and weakening market demand.

Instead of making participation in Tapera mandatory, Shinta said the government could optimize BPJS employment funds. She said that housing facilities can be obtained by utilizing additional service benefits (MLT) from the JHT (Old Age Security) program funding sources.

"Apindo continues to encourage to add more benefits from the BPJS Employment MLT program so that private workers do not have to participate in the Tapera program. Tapera should be for ASN, TNI/Polri," Shinta said.

In this regard, Shinta said that Apindo has discussed and coordinated with BPJS Employment and the State Bank Association (Himbara) to accelerate the expansion of the MLT program for workers' housing needs. The discussion concluded that private workers can be excluded from Tapera and receive housing facilities from BP Jamsostek.

Riri Rahayu

Editor's Choice: Tapera Is Public Housing Savings Program, Says Minister Basuki

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