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Broadcasting Bill: Communication Minister Says Journalism Must Be Investigative


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

17 May 2024 07:41 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaMinister of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, was baffled by the draft revision of Law No. 32 of 2022 concerning Broadcasting (Broadcasting Bill). According to Budi, to produce quality content, journalism must be investigative. 

"Journalism must be investigative, why should it be banned?" said Budi, quoted from his official Instagram account, @budiariesetiadi on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

"Journalism must grow, as we are also growing as a society,” he said. Budi believes that the discussion of the Broadcasting Bill needs to accommodate input from various parties. "Especially members of the press, to prevent controversy," he said, quoted by Antara on Thursday. The minister said he is committed to maintaining press freedom. 

Currently, the DPR Legislative Body is discussing the Broadcasting Bill. The bill drew criticism from various press activists, including the Press Council, the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). 

Some of the provisions under the Broadcasting Bill are considered to conflict with the mandate of the Law. One is the prohibition on broadcasting investigative journalism, contrary to Article 4 of Law No. 40 of 1999.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Press Council Ninik Rahayu said that the Broadcasting Bill makes journalism restricted, unprofessional, and subservient. This will result in poor-quality work.

One example is in Article 8A paragraph (1) letter q of the latest draft of the Broadcasting Bill. The provision regulates journalistic dispute resolution, authorizing the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission or KPI to resolve any dispute that arises. "However, in accordance with the law, the mandate to resolve journalistic (dispute) lies with the Press Council," she said in a press conference on Tuesday. 

Ninik also mentioned that the Broadcasting Bill violates Constitutional Court decision no. 91/puu-xviii/2020, which provided that the drafting of a regulation must have “meaningful participation.”


Editor’s Choice: Broadcasting Bill Draft Bans Exclusive Investigative Journalism Content, Journalists Calls Out Attempt to Silence the Press

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