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Tracing Pegasus, a Spyware Allegedly Used In Indonesia

29 June 2020 12:05 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The recent alleged hacking attempts committed against activists in Indonesia have alarmed anti-graft and human rights activists. Lokataru executive director Haris Azhar said to Tempo Magazine that it is highly possible that the government is keeping constant tabs on activists. 

“The state has the backing of highly-technological devices and infrastructure which closes the gap for to be undetected,” said Haris on Tempo Magazine’s June 29 edition. 

Rumors on ownership of high-tech spy devices were confirmed by a number of members from the House of Representatives (DPR) defense and intelligence committees.

One of the devices used is said to be Pegasus and spyware made by the Israeli firm NSO Group Technologies.  

The software developed by the firm is said to be able to infect a smartphone and extract - without the user’s consent - data in the form of images, chats, contact numbers, and record conversations.

The use of Pegasus was confirmed by two House Commission I members; PDIP member Muara Sakti Simbolon and Democrat Party legislator Sjarifuddin Hasan. 

“That has been used for a long time,” said Effendi who did not disclose the agency that uses Pegasus but highly assures that it is used to spy on terrorist groups and Papuan armed groups. 

The use of Pegasus was also mentioned by former U.S. intelligence staff, Edward Snowden, who alleges Saudi Arabia had used it to spy on Jamal Kashoggi who was murdered at the Saudi Arabian Consulate office in Istanbul, Turkey, on October 2, 2018. 

Access the latest edition of Tempo Magazine to read the complete report.

Read also: This is How Your Whatsapp Account Could be Hacked


Editorial Note: This article has been edited due to the mistake in the headline that connected the Pegasus to the alleged hacking on Indonesian activists, which has yet been proven by valid evidence.

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