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Malaysia's Childfree Choices Challenge Islamic Norms

9 September 2024 09:31 WIB

Childfree marriage Illustration. (Credit: Munzir Fadly)

By: Hazman Baharom, Waseda University in Tokyo.

The rise of childfree marriages has led to heated debate, especially among Malays. This reflects the deep religious influence on Malaysia's public discourse.

In mid-2024, Malaysia's Malay language social media platforms were abuzz with heated debates over the rising trend of childfree marriages, where couples deliberately choose not to have children.

The topic gained traction after couples shared stories about leading fulfilling childfree lives.

The country's religious authorities and ministers also weighed in.

The Religious Affairs Minister Mohd Na'im Mokhtar claimed the childfree trend contradicts Islamic teachings and stressed the importance of family in Islam by referencing Quranic verses.

The childfree lifestyle contradicts Islamic teachings because it goes against the Sunnah (sayings and teachings) of Prophet Muhammad, who encouraged having children, and it is considered makruh (discouraged) in Islam to avoid having children solely to escape responsibility.

The Federal Territories Mufti's Office explained that while being childfree due to health risks is permissible, choosing this path without a valid reason is not encouraged in Islamic jurisprudence.

Meanwhile, the Minister for Women, Family, and Community Development Nancy Shukri defended couples' rights to choose a childfree life. 

Her statement was made after a parliamentary debate discussing Malaysia's low total fertility rate, adding that the government is committed to helping couples who wish to have children but are facing infertility issues.

These responses from government officials and religious authorities highlight the significance of the issue in Malaysia, where public discourse is often intertwined with religion and nearly two-thirds of the population are Muslim.

The debate on Malay language social media platforms can be categorised into three main perspectives: supporters of the childfree trend citing economic and psychological reasons; opponents grounded in religious interpretations and the perceived purpose of marriage; and "contextualists" who see childfree decisions as acceptable only under certain conditions.

Religion plays a crucial role in these discussions, especially in Malay language social media, where most arguments are rooted in religious beliefs.

This trend is reinforced by local scholars or religious authorities who also label the childfree trend as "unIslamic". They believe Islam encourages marriages for couples to have children as it is a natural part of life and has specific purposes within Islamic jurisprudence.

These religious arguments reflect the deep connection between Malay identity and Islam in Malaysia, as well as the influence of religious content in the Malay language media and literature.

This religious justification reflects the broader tendency in Malaysia to anchor social debates in religious terms, particularly within the Malay-speaking community.

The popularity of using religious sentiments could be attributed to several factors: the general identity or belonging of being Malay and Muslim in Malaysia, the supply of reading materials in Malay and the influence of religious leaders, celebrity preachers or social media influencers.

The question of whether being childfree is "Islamic" has become a central point of contention.

The popularity of religious discourse in Malaysia is further proven by the thriving demand for religious books, which consistently top the bestseller lists at local bookstores. This demand has shaped the supply of reading materials, reinforcing the reliance on religious arguments in public discussions.

Moreover, the rise of young religious influencers on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram has solidified the expectation that social issues discussed in Malay must be framed within a religious context.

This phenomenon has sidelined other approaches, such as philosophical, sociological or historical perspectives, in favour of religious justifications, even when they lack strong argumentative support.

But as society evolves, so too does religious thought.

While current debates on childfree marriages are grounded in centuries-old jurisprudence, the world is moving towards a future that may challenge these traditional views.

Unsustainable development, widening economic inequalities and global population issues could mean having children in the future is seen as a retrograde move.

Whatever happens, it's likely that the form of what is considered a family will continue to evolve, as it's done for the last hundreds of years.

The declining global population could, in fact, present new opportunities and perspectives.

Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.


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