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How to Prevent Seasickness? Here are the Tips!

8 September 2024 15:26 WIB

An illustration of a seasick person. (

TEMPO.CO, JakartaHave you ever felt nauseous or dizzy while riding in a vehicle? This uncomfortable feeling is known as motion sickness.

Motion sickness occurs when the body is in a stationary position but is shaken by a moving vehicle. This feeling of nausea is not limited to traveling on land; you can also experience it on water, better known as seasickness.

It would be unfortunate if you missed the joy of riding the wave on a ship because of this motion sickness, wouldn't it? In that case, let's find out what causes seasickness and ways to prevent it in the following article.

What is Seasickness?

So, seasickness is a form of motion sickness that occurs on water, in particular. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this ailment happens as a result of a vessel's erratic motion on the water.

While experiencing seasickness, you may feel lightheaded or nauseous. Such a condition results from conflicting messages your body sends to the brain. 

To understand this, NOAA explains that your eyes perceive a stable scene since the boat cabin moves with the body. In contrast, your inner ear senses motion changes due to the body bobbing along with the ship or boat.

These mixed signals lead the brain to respond with stress-related hormones, hence the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or headache.

To add, anyone can develop seasickness, but children and pregnant women are more prone to it, WebMD points out.

Symptoms and Causes of Seasickness

As mentioned earlier, the major cause of seasickness is the erratic motion of the vessel you're in. This leads to your body sending confusing signals that your brain cannot process.

Ultimately, you will experience seasickness of which presence, according to Cleveland Clinic, can be identified through some notable symptoms, including:

- Dizziness;

- Fatigue;

- Headache;

- Nausea and vomiting;

- Cold sweat; and

- Rapid breathing.

How to Prevent and Ease Seasickness

1. Ways to Prevent Seasickness

Seasickness may be inevitable when you're traveling by water. However, you can take certain precautions to avoid seasickness.

The Cleveland Clinic offers some handy tips for preventing seasickness:

- If you're traveling by boat, choose a seat in the middle of the boat on the upper deck.

- Book a cabin toward the front or middle of the ship, on a lower level, closer to the water if you're traveling by a cruise ship.

- Take an antihistamine before you travel or apply patches to counter seasickness.

- Stay hydrated, by drinking plenty of water, and fill your stomach with a light meal.

2. Tips to Ease Seasickness

If you find yourself developing the symptoms of seasickness, follow these tips from the UK National Health Service, Cleveland Clinic, and WebMD to ease seasickness:

- Sit in the middle of the boat to relax and reduce motion.

- Avoid looking at moving objects and direct your eyes to a fixed point, such as the horizon, instead.

- Close your eyes and breathe slowly.

- Avoid reading, watching films, or using your electronic devices.

- Have ginger tea or peppermint candy to relieve your discomfort.

Editor's Choice: 6 Food Items to Combat Motion Sickness During Christmas Travel

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