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12 Most Unique Animals in the World: Fascinating Creatures

17 August 2024 11:36 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Have you ever come across a creature so strange it defies belief? The animal kingdom is full of amazing diversity, but some species are truly extraordinary.

In this article, we'll explore some of the planet's most unusual inhabitants, from a baffling mammal-bird hybrid to an amphibian with a truly unique appearance.

Some of the Most Bizarre and Unique Animals in the World

1. Axolotl

You may be familiar with axolotls. They are amphibious and are still related to salamanders. One thing that differs from each other is that axolotls do not outgrow their juvenile stage.

In the wild, they inhabit lakes and a few inland canals of Mexico City. These Mexican amphibians are carnivores: they feed on smaller creatures, such as mollusks, fish, and insect eggs.

Don't be fooled by the adorable smiley face as they actually hold an incredible regenerative ability. Yes, axolotl can grow back its limbs whenever it loses one, like the Hulk.

2. Aye-Aye

Can mostly be found in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar, Aye-aye is often referred to as the weirdest animal, specifically primates. This species of lemurs is easily identified with their black furs and bushy tails.

Aye-aye’s notable feature is its long, thin fingers. Those fingers are convenient enough to pierce into a wood while looking for prey.

The appearance of this lemur is undeniably horrifying. No wonder local lore regards aye-aye as bad luck that must be killed immediately when you encounter one.

However, it's best not to do that as this poor, nocturnal creature has been labeled as endangered by the IUCN Red List.

3. Platypus

Platypus is basically “If a mammal and an avian had a baby”. Native to the Australian continent, it is one of the most unique animals in the world.

A platypus is a mammal that lays eggs. It has a duck-like bill, beaver-like tail, and webbed feet, but can secrete milk. 

Be mindful if you pick up a male platypus. They have venomous spurs on their hind feet which can cause painful sensations and swollen hands.

4. Star-nosed Mole

As the name suggests, these burrowing mammals have a distinctive feature on their face. Meet star-nosed mole, inhabitants of eastern North America.

Regardless of their poor eyesight, these uncommon animals are gifted with an extraordinary nose. The star-shaped nose is packed with more than 100,000 nerve fibers, making it the most sensitive touch organ a mammal can have.

The organ is so sensitive that it enables Condylura crista, its scientific name, to see through its nose! Creatures, such as amphibians, small fish, and mollusks, are a delicacy for star-nosed moles.

5. Penis Snake

This list could not be any weirder. Let's meet a penis snake or scientifically known as Atretochoana eiselti.

Despite the name, this bizarre-looking creature is neither a snake nor a male reproductive organ. Atretochoana eiselti is classified as caecilians, a group of limbless amphibians.

The Atretochoana eiselti was first discovered by dam engineers in the Madeira River of the Amazon. Furthermore, this species is the largest caecilian in its family and is known to prey on aquatic invertebrates.

6. Narwhal

Known as the "unicorn of the sea," narwhals are mammals, closely related to whales, rummaging around the Arctic waters. They have a remarkable feature, which is the tusk.

Thus long, spiraled tusk is not a horn, but rather an elongated tooth. Can grow up to 3 m, scientists believe that narwhals’ tusks hold a sensory capability.

It contains 10 million nerve endings and, at the same time, is used to exert dominance, especially by male narwhals.

7. Blobfish

Psychrolutes marcidus, commonly known as the blobfish, is not only nominated as the weirdest animal in the world but also the ugliest.

Just like the name, this fish is a literal blob—with pale pink, flabby skin. However, that horrible look is not how it actually appears to be.

So, blobfish are deep-sea creatures. They, by default, don't have thick bones or strong muscles. They heavily rely on the strong water pressure of the deep sea to keep their body in shape.

As they're brought up to the surface, nothing holds them together, which eventually causes their body to turn into mush. 

8. Pacific Barreleye Fish

Macropinna microstoma or the Pacific barreleye fish is perhaps one of the weirdest animals on Earth. This alien-like fish inhabits the midwater, between 600–800 m below the surface.

Its transparent forehead stands out the most when you first encounter it. Inside, there is a pair of eyes resembling glowing green orbs.

Priorly, scientists believed that the sight of the Pacific barreleye fish was fixed looking straight up. Recent findings suggest that they can rotate those eyes to the front.

9. Sea Pig

The sea pig is another deep-sea creature. This invertebrate can only grow up to 14 cm. It is indeed “fun-size”. However, it portrays an important role as the detritivore of the deep.

10. Okapi

Back to the land, there is an okapi, often described as a cross between a giraffe and a zebra. It is a unique animal native to the deep rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Regardless of the zebra-like stripes on their legs, okapis are more related to giraffes. They even share the same long tongue to help strip young leaves.

11. Red-lipped Batfish

This fish seems to have put on some lipstick. The red-lipped batfish, Ogcocephalus darwin, is easily identified by its bright lips, hence the name.

This Galapagos native can be found sitting on the ocean floor. Unlike other fish, the red-lipped batfish uses its dorsal fins to walk around the reefs, instead of swimming.

12. Hagfish

To end this list, let's meet the hagfish. They inhabit the deep sea and are often seen munching down carcasses, like whales.

They are notorious for their remarkable ability to produce a good amount of slime. Furthermore, hagfish are gifted with a good sense of smell and touch.

Did you know that hagfish are a delicacy in countries like South Korea? Locals usually serve them grilled, smeared with yummy sauce. | |

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