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Labor Party to Stage Protest Against Job Creation Act and Presidential Threshold Today

9 August 2023 12:52 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Labor Party along with several worker's unions will stage a protest in Constitutional Court and State Palace today, Wednesday, August 9, 2023. The protest is set to start at 10:00 a.m. with a gathering point in Tugu Tani Statue, Menteng.

The protest marks the ending of the 120 kilometers long-march of hundreds of labor union members since Wednesday, August 2, 2023. Currently, 120 people joining the long-march have reached the Labor Party office in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta heading toward the gathering point.

The President of the Labor Party Said Iqbal said that tens of thousands of people will demonstrate along with the long-march participants. "They came from three provinces, Jakarta, West Java, and Banten," said Said Iqbal during a press conference on Friday, August 4, 2023.  

Said Iqbal revealed that the participants are members of the four biggest labor unions in Indonesia, KSPI, KSPSI, AGN, KPBI, and KSBSI. The Indonesian Peasants Union members, fishermen, and honorary teachers also will participate in the protest.

Labor Party will bring up six demands in this protest. "First, annul Job Creation Act. Second, increase the 2024 minimum wage by 15%. Third, annul presidential threshold of 20% to 0%," said Said Iqbal.

The fourth demand by the protestors is the revision of the parliamentary threshold of 4%. Fifth, the protestors demand the government to annul Health Act, and lastly, realize social security through Universal Lifetime Social Security (JS3H).

Said Iqbal admitted that the protest today will be intended to safeguard the court hearing in Constitutional Court concerning the formal examination of the Job Creation Act. The hearing will be conducted on Monday, August 14, 2023.


Editor's Choice: Said Iqbal: Labor Party will not Coalesce with Omnibus Law Supporter

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