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Cirebon Regent Suspected of Selling Office Positions



26 October 2018 12:26 WIB

Cirebon Regent Sunjaya Purwadisastra. Credit:

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Cirebon Regent Sunjaya Purwadisastra is suspected of trading positions in the Cirebon District Government. Based on the evidence, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) politician often received gratuities from newly appointed officials.

"They gave money to Sunjaya after the inauguration," KPK deputy Alexander Marwata said yesterday, Oct. 25.

Sunjaya was arrested by the KPK during a sting operation last Wednesday. Five other people were also arrested; Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency secretary Gatot Rachmanto; Transfer Department chief Sri Darmanto; HR and HR Development chief Supadi Priyatna; and two aides with the initials DS and N.

After the investigation, Sunjaya and Gatot were named as suspects.

According to Alexander, Gatot gave Rp100 million to Sunjaya after his appointment. Sunjaya also received Rp125 million from a number of officials, delivered by the regent's aide and secretary.

Sunjaya is accused of trading positions—starting from village heads, sub-district heads, to echelon II officials. "The amounts of fees have been pre-determined," Alexander said.

The regent is also allegedly involved in bribery cases of infrastructure projects in Cirebon Regency. At the time his arrest, KPK investigators found an account book containing Rp6.42 billion balance. The account is suspected to be used as an escrow for the bribes Sunjaya received related to projects in Cirebon in 2018.

The Cirebon Regency Regional Representative Council member, Junaedi, said Sunjaya is known as a regent who often rotates the positions of government officials. In just one year, four changes could happen. 

Prior to his arrest by the KPK, Sunjaya had just completed auctioning seven echelon II positions on October 3. He also just finished rotating the positions of 592 civil servants.

PDIP Regional Representative Council (DPD) West Java chairman, T.B. Hasanuddin, said he had fired Sunjaya from the party yesterday.

"This case (corruption) is very regrettable, the party has fired Sunjaya as per today," he said as quoted by Antara yesterday.


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