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Peres, Abbas Meet with Pope Francis



19 October 2018 20:05 WIB

Pope Francis together with Israeli President Shimon Peres (right) and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during an evening of peace prayers in the Vatican gardens (6/8). AP/Gregorio Borgia

TEMPO.COVatican - A historical moment takes place on Sunday June 8, 2014, when Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas initiated an unscheduled meeting with Pope Francis to pray together.

The prayer, uniting three religions, was initiated in an effort to promote peace for the Middle East. During the prayer, Pope Francis called for both presidents to respond to the demand for peace in the Middle East by their people.

The prayers from the world's three main monotheistic religions-Judaism, Christianity and Islam- was focused on three themes: "creation", "invocation for forgiveness" and "invocation for peace". Pope Francis, insisting that he had no wish to meddle in politics, had called for Palestinians and Israelis to work together.


Prabowo Not against Globalization: Gerindra

29 Maret 2019

Prabowo Not against Globalization: Gerindra

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Myanmar Releases 3,073 Prisoners

24 Oktober 2018

Myanmar Releases 3,073 Prisoners

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Morsi Will Reshuffle The Cabinet

19 Oktober 2018

Morsi Will Reshuffle The Cabinet

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Iran Nuclear Talks About to Take Place

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Iran Nuclear Talks About to Take Place

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Jakarta Administration Cancels World Bank Loan

19 Oktober 2018

Jakarta Administration Cancels World Bank Loan

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NATO-Russia Discuss Missile Defense System

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US Citizen Suspected for Conspiracy

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US Citizen Suspected for Conspiracy

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Egypt Walk Out from World Nuclear Convention

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Korea Arrests US Citizen

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Korea Arrests US Citizen

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Bolivia Expels USAID

19 Oktober 2018

Bolivia Expels USAID

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