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Suspected Terrorist Arrested by Densus 88 at Solo and Batu City, PT KAI Improve Security System


Septia Ryanthie


Nabiha Zain

1 August 2024 15:03 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaPT KAI confirmed on Thursday, August 1, the arrest of one Gajayana train passenger by the Special Detachment or Densus 88 Antiterror Police Headquarters at Solo Balapan Station, Central Java. 

The arrest occurred at around 19.30 WIB, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. 

"KAI is currently coordinating with related parties to ensure the safety of KAI passengers," PT KAI Public Relations, Anne Purba told reporters in Solo, Central Java, on Thursday. 

Anne ensures that KAI always supports and cooperates with the National Police in eradicating acts of terrorism. KAI continues improving the security system, including providing CCTV facilities at the station and on the train.

"In addition, KAI security officers will also always be proactive in maintaining security," she said.

Special Detachment 88 or Densus 88 Antiterror Police Headquarters were previously reported to arrest a suspected terrorist at Solo Balapan Station, Solo City, Central Java, Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at around 19.30 WIB.

M was arrested when he was about to leave for Jakarta using the Gajayana train. It is suspected that M is a lone-wolf terrorist.

Central Java Regional Police spokesperson Chief Commissioner Artanto confirmed the arrest of a suspected terrorist last night.

"The Detachment 88 team has indeed arrested a person suspected of being a terrorist with the initials M at Solo Balapan Station on Wednesday," Artanto said when contacted by Tempo on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

However, he admitted that he did not know the details of the chronology of M's arrest because he had not received a report about it. He said that this was the domain of Densus 88.

When asked about where M came from and what terrorist network he was associated with, Artanto left it entirely to Densus 88.

Previously, three terrorist suspects were arrested in Batu, East Java. Head of Public Relations of East Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol Dirmanto, stated that the Special Detachment or Densus 88 Antiterror arrested suspected terrorists in Batu City. 

"They rented the house for two years. They have lived here for 1.5 years," he told journalists in Batu, Thursday, August 1, 2024, without providing any more details.

Anne Purba added that KAI management will continue to cooperate with the authorities if there are allegations of criminal acts in the railway environment.

KAI also reminds passengers not to carry prohibited luggage such as animals, psychotropic narcotics and other addictive substances, firearms/sharp weapons, flammable/explosive objects, foul-smelling/foul-smelling objects or objects that by their nature can disturb/damage health and disturb the comfort of other passengers.

It also includes items prohibited by laws and regulations, and other items that in the judgment of the boarding officer are inappropriate to be transported as baggage due to their condition and size.

"KAI will continue to be committed to improving the security and safety of train travel with layered security such as patrols by security officers carried out regularly and installation of CCTV cameras at various points," she said.

She said that if there are suspicious things in the KAI work area, the public and passengers can inform KAI officers or Call Center 121.


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