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Indonesia's Fisheries Ministry Explains 4 Lobster Seeds Smuggling Hotspots


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

18 July 2024 21:19 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaDirector General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance (PSDKP) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Pung Nugroho Saksono, revealed four hotspots for clear lobster seeds smuggling. 

The four hotspots are lobster seed collectors, ferry ports, airport exits, and sea routes. "We have successfully thwarted or foiled lobster seeds smuggling attempts in several regions,” said Pung on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

Pung explained the smuggling attempts were detected in Jambi, Palembang, Batam, Bangka Belitung, Lombok, Banyuwangi, Riau Islands, Yogyakarta, and Cilacap. Meanwhile, Pung claimed that his side successfully arrested the courier during smuggling attempts in Cilacap, Central Java, and Banyuwangi, East Java. 

To thwart the lobster seeds smuggling, PSDKP officers collaborate with the Indonesian Navy, the police, Customs and Excise, and the Maritime Security Agency. He said cross-agency collaboration is necessary to protect state assets.

"Clear lobster seeds are now a hot item. This resource is extraordinary, the value is not cheap,” he said. 

Pung said clear lobster seeds are considered “living drugs” due to their abundance and high prices. 

"We foiled a Rp31 billion worth of lobster seeds smuggling attempt in Batam some years ago,” he said. Smuggling of lobster seeds prevented the government from obtaining non-tax state revenue, Pung said. 

Previously, the Cilacap Navy Second Fleet Quick Response Task Force Team foiled a 16,000 clear lobster seeds smuggling attempt on June 12, 2024. The team along with PSDKP arrested a Tasikmalayan suspect FAS, 31. Meanwhile, in Banyuwangi, the team arrested HS, 46, and MS, 63, on June 2. The two were trying to smuggle 9,244 clear lobster seeds.


Editor’s Choice: Police Unveil Smuggling Attempts of Lobster Seed, Crocodile Hatchlings in Batam

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