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10 People With Highest IQ Scores on Earth; Albert Einsten Not Included

28 May 2024 21:15 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Many consider Albert Einstein to be the most intelligent person in history. However, the cognitive capacity of the German theoretical physicist is estimated to be around 160 to 190 on the IQ scale, which falls short of the highest IQ ever recorded on Earth.

As outlined on, here is a list of the top ten people with the highest IQ scores ever recorded in the world.

1. William James Sidis

Born in 1898, William James Sidis is estimated to possess an IQ between 250 and 300. At a young age, he attracted media attention for his ability to master multiple languages and intricate mathematical concepts.

By the age of eleven, Sidis gained admission to Harvard University, making him one of the youngest students to enroll at the prestigious campus. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he shunned the public eye and delved into various scientific domains, including politics.

2. Terence Tao

Terence Tao, an Australian mathematician, is estimated to have an IQ score ranging from 230 to 240. His prodigious talent manifested early in his life, as he completed his bachelor's and master's degrees at the age of 16. Subsequently, he obtained a Ph.D. at 24 and became the youngest professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tao has made significant contributions to the fields of harmonic analysis and partial differential equations.

3. Christopher Hirata

Christopher Hirata, an astrophysicist and cosmologist from the United States, boasts an IQ score of 225. The public began to discover his genius after he became America's youngest gold medalist in the International Physics Olympiad, at the age of 13. 

Throughout his career, Hirata has made notable contributions to gravitational lensing and cosmic microwave background radiation.

4. Kim Ung-yong

With an IQ score of 210, Kim Ung-yong gained global recognition after being invited by NASA at the age of 8. This South Korean prodigy also earned a Ph.D. in physics from Colorado State University at the age of 15.

5. Evangelos Katsioulis

Scoring an IQ of 198, Evangelos Katsioulis, a psychiatrist from Greece, is hailed as one of the most intellectually gifted individuals globally. In addition to his work in psychiatry, he has made significant contributions to philosophy, psychometrics, and mathematics. Katsioulis is also the founder of the World Intelligence Network, an organization that fosters discourse and research on intelligence.

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10 Countries with the Highest IQ Scores in the World

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10 Countries with the Highest IQ Scores in the World

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