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Prabowo Delivers Victory Speech: Grateful for the Safe Election


Non Koresponden


Laila Afifa

14 February 2024 23:23 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto delivered his victory speech before his supporters at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday, February 14. Several pollsters showed the number 2 pair led the quick count tally in the 2024 General Elections.

During the speech, Prabowo was accompanied by his VP candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Both donned tartan-motif shirts in sky-blue shade, the color which has been attached to them since registration with the General Election Commission or KPU.

The Indonesian Defense Minister mentioned each figure attended the winning celebration. "We are still blessed with health in today's afternoon to gather at this historic place to welcome the temporary count results of the presidential election that has just been held by all the people of Indonesia both in the country and abroad," said Prabowo.

The figures include chairmen and secretary generals of political parties that joined the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) that endorsed his presidency. The political parties that endorse Prabowo-Gibran are Gerindra, Golkar, People's Mandate Party, Crescent Star Party, Democratic Party, Indonesian Solidarity Party, Prima, Gelora Party, and Garuda Party.

He also greeted Gibran and his wife, Selvy Ananda, who attended the event. "Ladies and gentlemen, I greet the figures who are present, God willing, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Mba Selvy Ananda," said Prabowo.

Not only the elites, but the chairman of the Gerindra Party also greeted volunteer organizations that attended the event. They include Projo, Bara JP, Samawi, Gempita, Rela NU, Repnas, Bolone Mase, Matahari 08, Laskar Trisakti, Pesaudaraan 98, and Relawan Sahabat Ara.

According to Prabowo, today all Indonesian people across the country have just carried out their constitutional duties as citizens by exercising people's sovereignty. He said that this obligation was fulfilled by electing the president, vice president, and representatives in the DPR and DPD.

Prabowo said he was grateful for the safe and orderly election despite it being claimed as the world's second-largest election. "We're grateful that what is claimed to be the world's biggest general election has been carried out safely and calmly without any tension," he remarked.

On behalf of the Prabowo-Gibran Winning Team and KIM, he thanked the General Election Commission or KPU, the Election Supervisory Agency or Bawaslu, and the Election Organizer Honorary Council or DKPP. "Who has held the largest general election in the world smoothly and successfully," said Prabowo.

Also on behalf of TKN Prabowo-Gibran and KIM, he was grateful for the quick count results. "All survey institutions, including those on the candidate's side, show figures that the Prabowo-Gibran candidate pair won in one round," said Prabowo.


Editor's Choice: Budiman Sudjatmiko Claims Prabowo-Gibran's Victory in Central Java, Bali Due To 'Rivals' Mistakes'

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