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How To Extend Your Visa in Indonesia For A Longer Stay


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

12 February 2024 21:35 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaFor foreigners visiting Indonesia, it is important to understand the process to extend your visa, especially those visiting as tourists.

A visa is a document or official permit issued by state authorities to foreign citizens that allows them to enter and temporarily stay in the destination country.

There are many types of visas, including travel visas, student visas, work visas, and residence visas. Each visa has different requirements, depending on the policies set out by each country’s government.

A visa is crucial if you want to visit a foreign country. Without it, you may not enter the country, have your flight canceled, or you may be deported from the country of destination. 

Every visa has its own validity period, so expiration will require you to extend the visa if you still want to remain in the country. For foreigners in Indonesia, here are the process and requirements to extend your visa.

The requirements to extend your Visa on Arrival in Indonesia

Citing, Visa on Arrival is issued once for foreigners visiting Indonesia with the purpose of leisure tourism, family, education, art and culture, government official duties, business talks, journalistic duties, and transits. 

To extend your VoA, the requirements are:

  1. Fill out the extension form at local immigration offices
  2. Bring a copy of your passport, visa, and arrival stamp
  3. Bring a copy of your return ticket
  4. Cannot be represented by other people
  5. Submit the form at least seven days before the visa expires
  6. Pay for the administration fees

The process of VoA extension

Offline process

To extend your visa, visit the nearest immigration office and bring all the aforementioned required documents.

Online process

Apart from direct processing at the immigration office, you can also extend your VoA online via the Molina website.

You only need to fill out the form, upload the documents mentioned, and pay the visa fee with a credit or debit card without coming to any immigration office in person. If the application has been approved, the visa will be sent to your e-mail.

Failure to renew VoA may result in your visit exceeding the specified period causing you to have an invalid visa. The maximum time allowed to extend your visit is 60 days.

Don't take this matter lightly, because an invalid visa could have you charged for a maximum of 5 years or a fine of Rp500,000,000 under Immigration Law No. 6 of 2011.


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