Indonesia Secures 20 More IKN Investors; Amounts to Rp10T
26 September 2023 20:21 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - IKN Authority Head Bambang Susantono revealed the newest information on the financing for the state capital development. Bambang stated that around 20 more potential investors will shoot up more than Rp10 trillion into the project.
"Not only investors but there are also parties initiating a facility or investment to be enjoyed by the general public," he said when met at Kempinski Hotel in Central Jakarta today, Tuesday. The investors are all based in Indonesia. The investment includes orang utan conservation and the development of a horse race facility.
According to Bambang, several private projects in IKN are already lined up for groundbreaking. He estimated the groundbreaking to commence in November and officiated by President Jokowi.
Earlier, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo mentioned that the target for project groundbreaking in IKN is once a month. On Thursday, September 21, he inaugurated the development of Hotel Nusantara, funded by Agung Sedayu Group.
Additionally, he also started the groundbreaking for IKN's first hospital, the Rp2 trillion development of Abdi Waluyo Hospital. He stated that it will have 400 hospital rooms and provide sub-specialist treatments.
Lastly, the Jokowi administration also started the development of Hotel Vasanta in Penajam Paser Utara in East Kalimantan. However, Jokowi did not disclose the investors for this specific project.
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