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Food and Beverage Industry 'Cushion' During Crisis, Says Industry Ministry

2 November 2022 20:27 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Ministry of Industry’s director general of agro-industry Putu Juli Ardika on Wednesday said the food and beverage industry is able to act as an economic cushion during times of crisis. 

He mentioned this ahead of the Global Food Marketplace or Salon International de I’alimentation (SIAL INTERFOOD) di Jakarta slated for November 9 - 12. 

"This event is very strategic for Indonesia as the food and beverage industry can act as a cushion if a crisis occurs. We also have the potential for food and beverages, including food ingredients," he said at a press conference in Jakarta on November 2.

Putu explained that the F&B industry continues to grow despite the COVID-19 pandemic which reaches 3.68 percent in the second quarter of 2022. This is an increase compared to the same period in 2021 of 2.95 percent.

"With this rebound, we hope to remain optimistic that in the future it will still grow by 5 percent," said Putu.

Putu claimed the contribution of the food and beverage industry to the country’s GDP up to the second quarter of 2022 reached 38.38 percent, the largest among other manufactured products. 

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry continues to try to strengthen development in the existing industry and encourage the emergence of new business actors in the sector.


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