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DPR Increases BSSN Budget after Recent Cyberattacks by Hacker Bjorka

22 September 2022 18:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -  The Commission I at the House of Representatives (DPR) on Thursday agreed to increase the budget for the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) to Rp624 billion in 2023. The increased budget ceiling was agreed to help the agency provide better protection against cyberattacks, such as the recent hacks by a hacker known as Bjorka.

This budget hike was agreed upon during the House's Commission I Hearing on Thursday, September 22. 

BSSN chief Hinsa Siburian, during his presence at the DPR meeting, conveyed his appreciation for the budget hike approval.  “After we officiate it and hand it over to the House Budget Committee (Banggar) where the draft would be formed again, it would be read out during an official plenary after that,” he added.

The BSSN, which is joined by a dedicated team from multiple state agencies, is investigating the identity of Bjorka.

"Later, I think they (Bareskrim) will be able to explain [about it more] because it is more technical. So we'll just have to wait because this is related to digital forensics," said BSSN Head Hinsa Siburian in a press conference at the BSSN Head Office in Sawangan, Depok on September 13.

But when confirmed about Bjorka's identity; if the perpetrator originates from within or outside the country, or whether Bjorka is one person or a team, Hinsa just smiled and was reluctant to go into further details. 

"As for that (question), we are currently investigating it," he said.

The government had previously acknowledged there had been data leaks. Minister of Communications Johnny G Plate said that the circulating data were older general data.


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