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PAN Suggests Party Founders Meet Amien Rais



27 December 2018 11:17 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The deputy chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) central board Viva Yoga Mauladi asked the five party founders not to indulging in dissent in the public. Previously, the five founders of Pan asked Amien Rais to quit.

“If there are differences in thoughts and choices, just meet to get closer to each other hearts, as in the reform era in 1998,” Viva Yoga said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The five founders of PAN who asked Amien Rais to quit were Abdillah Toha, Albert Hasibuan, Goenawan Mohammad, Toeti Heraty, and Zumrotin. They feel Amien is no longer in line with the vision of the party.

Viva said that Amien Rais had contributed to the struggle for democracy so he was elected to the PAN Congress in Bali as Chairman of the Honorary Board.

Read also: PAN Supports Amien Rais despite Founders Urge Him to Quit

Therefore, he asked all parties to respect the formal mechanism of the party, so that if there are differences in ideas and choices, it is better to meet.

“We, the young, as cadres of the successor to the party, have great respect for the founders of the party. They are national figures, figures with credibility and integrity, and fighters for democracy,” said Viva.

Viva said the founders of the party were spreading in their respective activities so it was very possible that there would be differences of thought in understanding the socio-political process and bringing consequences to differences in political choice.

“The issue of party politics, the founders must entrust party management. If there is a difference, advise them and admonish them with virtue,” he said, commenting on the insistence that Amien Rais must quit.


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