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Zaini Misrin Worked in Saudi Arabia Since 1992



20 March 2018 16:46 WIB

REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

TEMPO.CO, Bangkalan - An Indonesian migrant worker Muhammad Zaini Misrin who executed in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, March 18, was recognized as a hard worker by his family and relatives. Zaini flew to Saudi Arabia in 1992 and rarely returned to his home in Bangkalan, Madura.

One time he went home to get married. “My mother told me that my father has left to work when she conceived me,” said Zaini's oldest son Syaiful Toriq at the funeral in Bangkalan, Monday, March 19.

Zaini had never stayed in Madura for a long time. In 2002, he went to Saudi Arabia to served as a driver. He claimed his employer Abdullah as a nice person.

Read: Zaini Misrin Execution Sparks Protest at Saudi Arabian Embassy

In 2004, Abdullah was found dead and the family suspected Zaini and reported him to the police. During the trial, Zaini refused to be guilty as Abdullah's murderer until the verdict pronounced. He stayed to his claim and beheaded on March 18 at 11:30.

Zaini left two sons, Syaiful Toriq (25) and seventeen-year-old Mustofa Kurniawan. The oldest worked as egg seller in Bangkalan and the youngest has completed his high school last year.

Zaini’s sister-in-law Nur Intan stated that her in-law had sent a letter to the family which written his wishes for the children to not be a migrant worker like him.

“He did not want his sons to work abroad or even move to other cities, stay at Madura will be good enough,” said Nur on Monday.

The last letter was likely Zaini Misrin's wills because not long after he sent it, Saudi Arabia beheaded him for allegedly murdering his employer.


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