TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A many as 21 construction contractor companies from Tanzania incorporated in ACCT (Association of Citizen Contractors Tanzania), visited the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry. The Association invited Indonesian contractors to work on construction projects in Tanzania.
Anita Farmati, Secretary General of Public Works and Public Housing Ministry said that the invitation arrived at the perfect moment because Indonesia is currently attempting to tap into new markets in foreign countries. Anita said that Indonesia's construction, consultant, and contractor sector are on equal terms compared to other developed countries.
"This is a great opportunity to build a market in Tanzania, because the country managed to achieve progress in terms of infrastructure constructions," Anita said on Monday, October 17, 2016.
Anita said that Indonesia has been constantly exporting construction materials to Tanzania including, lighting, wires, doors, steel, electricity cables, and marble slabs. Indonesia’s non-oil and gas export to Tanzania had reached US$214 million in 2015, a number 5.66 percent higher compared to 2014.
Indonesian Ambassador to Tanzania Zakaria Anshar, explained that high demand of construction services in Tanzania was mainly due to the transfer of the country’s governmental and businesses hub from Darosalam to Dodoma.
"There are many construction projects such as, airports, ports, bridges, railways, and houses, the demand for housing in 2015 had even reached 200,000 units," Zakaria said.