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803 Indonesians Named in Panama Papers



6 April 2016 22:34 WIB

Panama Papers.

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Panama Papers named 899 individuals and companies in Indonesia who have set up shell companies in a number of tax havens, consisting of 803 shareholders, 10 companies, 28 set up companies and 58 relevant parties.

Panama Papers is different to Offshore Leaks. The Offshore Leaks, released in 2013, named 2961 Indonesians who were registered in 23 companies. Panama documents leak is from Panama-based legal firm Mossack Fonseca.

Whereas Offsore Leaks data came from Singapore-based Portcullis TrustNet and British Virgin Island-based Commonwealth Trust Ltd. However, both Offshore Leaks and Panama Papers were released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a global network of investigative journalists.

The Panama Papers named, among others, oil tycoon Riza Chalid and the Attorney General’s Office fugitive, Joko S. Tjandra. Listed below are other names referred to in Panama Papers:

Garibaldi “Boy” Thohir (Adaro): Harold Heights Group Ltd

“It’s normal. I have a football club, I use an offshore SPV [self-load prepaid venture], hence my name is automatically being published.”

Sandiaga Uno (Saratoga, Recapital): Aldia Enterprises, Attica Finance Ltd, and Ocean Blue Global Holdings Ltd (through Saratoga Equity Partners)

“I do have a plan to disclose everything, as I am currently running for public office.”

Fransiscus Welirang (Indofood): Azzorine Ltd (through BOS Trust Company Ltd)

“Yes, it’s true, it’s my company. One dollar company.”

Airlangga Hartanto (Functional Group Party/Golkar Politician): Buckley Development Corporation

“Buckley? I have yet to know about Buckley. I’ll check it first.”

Johnny Gerard Plate (NasDem Party Politician): Serenity Pacific Ltd

“Please stop the rumor mill or the tendentious and libelous information.”

Hilmi Panigoro (Medco Group): Bartonia Capital Ltd

“I have many offshore companies for investment and risk management purposes. However, having checked [the report], Bartonia was not found in either Medco Group or my list.”


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