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Top 10 Hottest Countries in the World


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Nabiha Zain

3 May 2024 15:45 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta Latitude and altitude influence the air temperature of a region. Countries near the equator will receive more sunlight, while hotter air occurs for regions closer to the ocean surface. Citing the Data Pandas page, there are 10 out of a total of 190 countries in the world with relatively high average air temperatures.

List of the Hottest Countries in the World

1. Mali

The average air temperature in Mali is around 28.3 degrees Celsius. According to African Perceptions, several areas in Mali were hit by extreme heat of up to 48.5 degrees Celsius, one of which was the Southwestern city of Kayes on Thursday, April 4, 2024. The heatwave in the country whose capital is Bamako was caused by the El Nino phenomenon.

2. Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso experiences varying degrees of high temperatures and an average of 28.3 degrees Celsius. Three climatic zones divide the country from north to south. The Sahelian zone in the north experiences rainfall of less than 600 millimeters per year, the Sudano-Sahelian in the savanna highlands with rainfall of 600-900 millimeters per year, and the southern zone of Sudan with rainfall of 900-1,200 millimeters per year.

Between April 1 and 5, 2024, World Weather Attribution (WWA) reported via Aljazeera that a heatwave triggered rising temperatures of more than 45 degrees Celsius in Burkina Faso.

3. Kiribati

Kiribati has a hot and humid tropical climate, with an average air temperature of 28.2 degrees Celsius. The air temperature in the country is closely related to the sea surface temperature in the surrounding ocean. The South Pacific Convergence Zone and the Intertropical Convergence Zone influence the rainy season in Kiribati.

4. Djibouti

Djibouti has a tropical dry semi-desert climate, except for the mountainous areas in the northern part of the Gulf of Tadjoura. Djibouti is particularly affected by irregular and low rainfall patterns. As a result, the country is recorded to experience a high average air temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.

5. Tuvalu

As one of the hottest countries in the world, Tuvalu has an average air temperature of 28 degrees Celsius. The country, which is located in the South Pacific Ocean with a land area of only 26 square kilometers, is at an average altitude of two meters above sea level. As an island country, rising seawater temperatures greatly affect air temperatures in Tuvalu.

6. Senegal

The climate in Senegal is warm, with an average air temperature of 27.9 degrees Celsius. The warmest part of the country with the highest rainfall is Matam. The hottest temperature in Senegal occurred in May 2002, namely 50.5 degrees Celsius.

7. Mauritania

The climate in Mauritania is dry, hot, and windy. Most of the areas in the country receive minimum rainfall throughout the year. The average monthly air temperature in Mauritania is around 27.7 degrees Celsius, with summer occurring from May to October.

8. Maldives

Maldives experiences a warm and humid climate throughout the year. The average temperature is around 27.7 degrees Celsius, with the hottest periods in March, April and mid-May. The high temperatures in the Maldives are caused by the vast ocean that surrounds the country's small islands. The highest temperature ever recorded by the Kadhdhoo Meteorological Office was 36 degrees Celsius on September 12, 1991.

9. Palau

Palau's climate is a typical warm tropical climate with two distinct seasons. The dry season occurs between December and April, while the rainy season lasts from April to December, with the highest rainfall in July and October. The average air temperature in Palau is 27.6 degrees Celsius.

10. Benin

With an average air temperature of 27.6 degrees Celsius, Benin is one of the hottest countries in the world. The warmest part of the country is in Alibori and the coldest in Littoral. Most areas in Benin have low rainfall, with the dry season falling from November to early April.


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