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5 Best Fruits for Lowering High Blood Pressure

16 November 2023 12:56 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Fruits have an abundance of health benefits, one of which is for lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). Citing WebMD, here is the list of fruits that could help you bring down your blood pressure level:

1. Berry

The pigments that gave colors to blueberry, strawberry, and blackberry contain anthocyanin, a natural compound that helps widen the blood vessels and lower hypertension. The compound is also helpful in maintaining heart health.

2. Pomegranate

Pomegranates contain punicalagin, a compound that has been proven of capable controlling hypertension. Routinely drinking pomegranate juice will help bring down high blood pressure.

3. Banana

Hypertension could be controlled by consuming bananas. Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral proven to lower blood pressure and ease tension in the wall of your blood vessels as well as minimize the negative effects of natrium. 

4. Watermelon

Watermelons contain L-citrulline, a natural compound that helps open the blood vessels and lower your high blood pressure.

5. Apple

Apples contain a high level of fiber and antioxidants. These types of compounds could help control hypertension or high blood pressure.


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