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6 Diseases That are Silent Killers

31 May 2023 14:05 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Death usually occurs due to disease or due to accidents. But there is also sudden death which is often associated with silent killer disease or a disease that kills silently. What is a silent killer and what diseases are included as silent killers?

In the Collins Dictionary, a silent killer is defined as a disease that has no visible symptoms or indications. Meanwhile, according to Piedmont, silent killers are medical conditions without clear symptoms that can progress to an advanced stage before being discovered.

Compiled from various sources, the following are diseases that are considered silent killers:

1. Heart Disease

Heart disease is considered a silent killer because it can become severe at times, sometimes even causing sudden death. This occurs when fatty deposits in the arteries can cause blockages, depriving the heart of much-needed oxygen.

2. Skin Cancer

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are four types of skin cancer, namely basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancer. This disease is also recognized as a silent killer. Skin cancer occurs when skin cells grow abnormally and are usually caused by excessive sun exposure.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes is considered as the gateway for other diseases, such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, neuropathy, as well as diabetic ketoacidosis which can be life threatening.

4. Osteoporosis

Quoting from Healthline, osteoporosis is a disease of fractured and broken bones. Without serious treatment, the patient's mobility can be very limited, pain, depression which then reduces the quality of life.

5. Breast Cancer

In Indonesia, breast cancer has a reputation as one of the deadliest cancers because this type of cancer that attacks the breast organ can divide and grow out of control.

6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that can cause respiratory arrest. Usually this condition is caused by smoking and even snoring. OSA is characterized by repeated interruptions or pauses in breathing during sleep so that oxygen fails to enter the lungs.


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