Komnas HAM Urges Police to Investigate Persecution of Tempo Journalist
16 April 2021 17:14 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Jakarta chapter of the Alliance of Indonesian Journalists (AJI) reported the alleged persecution of Tempo journalist Nurhadi by police members to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM). Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Apsara and his staff received the report directly.
AJI Jakarta general chairman Erick Tanjung asked Komnas HAM to also address and oversee the case handling.
“Journalists covering human rights like Nurhadi can be categorized as human rights defenders,” said Erick when contacted on Friday, April 16, 2021.
Responding to Erick, Ulung said he would follow up on AJI Jakarta's report. Komnas HAM would also summon related parties soon.
“Once we complete the case analysis and administrative files, we will request a statement from them,” said Ulung via a text message today.
Komnas HAM, he added, considered the incident as an important issue that must be addressed immediately given that journalists are an important element in upholding democracy and human rights in the archipelago.
"We urge the police to thoroughly investigate this case by examining all the parties involved and processing those who are guilty in accordance with the applicable law,” said Ulung.
Previous reports suggested the persecution occurred in Surabaya as Nurhadi tried to seek confirmation from the former Investigation Director of the Tax Directorate General of the Finance Ministry, Angin Prayitno Aji, regarding a tax bribery case on Saturday, March 27, 2021.
Read: LBH Pers to Report Persecution of Tempo Journalist to Police