Indonesia Poverty Level Below World Bank Prediction, Says Sri Mulyani
19 March 2021 10:18 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati claimed that the Indonesian government has successfully reduced the number of poverty under the Covid-19 pandemic situation. She cited a number of ‘responsive’ economic policies as the main contributor.
The Minister, during the online launching of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economic report on Thursday, also noted that the percentage is below the prediction issued by the World Bank.
“Because of quick responses we were able to maintain the poverty level at 10.4,” said Sri Mulyani on March 18. “The World Bank had initially predicted an increase in this field to 11 percent. So this is an achievement.”
The economic policy responses she refers to were mainly focused on the healthcare sector and providing support for the groups of people that are the most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sri said the government's mobility restriction policy has exposed 10 percent of the Indonesian society to be economically vulnerable. In addition, 30 percent of low-income households were recipients of social assistance from the government.
“The journey to recovery is still long. We must assure that the recovery processes continue,” said Sri Mulyani.
Read: Govt Eyes to Reduce Poverty Rate to 9.2 Percent in 2021