Indonesia Sets Target of 250 Percent Increase in Shrimp Export Value
15 November 2020 16:06 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has called on all concerned stakeholders to help the government achieve its target of 250 percent increase in shrimp export value by 2024.
"Every stakeholder should help and work together in increasing shrimp production and developing national warehouses in the future," KKP's Director General of Aquaculture Slamet Soebjakto said in a press release on Sunday.
To achieve the target, the ministry could not work alone, hence it needs the supports of the central government and regional governments, as well as other stakeholders such as shrimp farmers' associations, academicians and practitioners.
KKP's strategies in realizing the target, among others, is by conducting a program to develop more shrimp pond areas through cluster system in the next five years, without damaging the environment, according to him.
He also emphasized that opening of shrimp pond areas would be carried out integratedly with the silvofishery concept, namely the traditional polyculture cultivation concept so as to maintain the existence of mangroves forests.
Meanwhile, Agnes Marcellina, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Stakeholders and Public Consultation for Marine and Fisheries (KP2KP) in the Business Synergy Sector, said that the revitalization of shrimp ponds is included in the 2020-2024 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) in accordance with the direction of the President to the Minister Marine Affairs and Fisheries to optimize aquaculture.
"The target of shrimp pond growth mentioned by the Director General of Aquaculture is 2.5 times each year, so that by 2024 our shrimp production would reach 1.2 million tons, with a production value of Rp30 trillion to around Rp90 trillion," she said.
Also Read: Indonesian Shrimp Dominates US Market