Omnibus Law Document Changes Again to Be 1,187 Pages Long
22 October 2020 11:18 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The final document of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation submitted by the House of Representatives (DPR) to the State Secretariat has changed again to be 1,187 pages long. As widely reported, the DPR previously sent the 812-page-long document.
A member of the DPR from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Bukhori Yusuf, admitted he heard information about the changes. However, he claimed he had not yet checked the changes in substances. “Yes, that's right, (it is 1,187 pages long),” Bukhori told Tempo on Wednesday evening, October 21, 2020.
Muhammadiyah Secretary-General, Abdul Mu'ti, confirmed that his side received the 1,187-pages document from the State Secretary Minister Pratikno and that it has not been signed by President Jokowi. “[We receive] the soft copy,” he said.
Pratikno had sent the final document of the Omnibus Law to Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) as he was tasked by Jokowi to disseminate and collect inputs from the three Islamic organizations.
A leading expert at the Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP), Donny Gahral Adian, has not yet responded to Tempo’s texts and calls regarding the change of the document.
The latest document from the State Secretariat used a legal paper format, a Bookman Old Style font with size 12. When compared to the 812-page manuscript, there was a change in the line spacing between articles.
Article 46 of Law No. 22/2001 on oil and gas was also removed from the latest document. The article stipulating the regulatory body of oil and gas distribution, reserves supervision, and distribution tariff was still included in the 812-page Omnibus Law.
Also Read: Students, Workers to Stage Yet Another Anti-Omnibus Law Protest Today