Bogor Rainstorm Sees Region Showered by Ice Pellets
23 September 2020 23:32 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bogor in the West Java province was recently hit by extreme weather after a rainstorm, accompanied by freezing rain, showered ice pellets from the sky on Wednesday, September 23.
The icy rainstorm was widely reported by locals on social media platform Twitter. Several areas including Dramaga in Bogor Regency and Ciampea in West Bogor were reportedly hit by ice pellets.
Wednesday’s extreme weather adds to Monday’s similar weather that hit the region in which the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded 110 mm of rainfall over Cisarua and Puncak.
This brief extreme weather caused a major flash flood and overflooded rivers that end up passing the capital city of Jakarta.
Read: BMKG Warns of Extreme Weather as Jakarta Enters Dry Season