Coronavirus-crackdown Aimed at Anti-president Smears, Hoaxes
6 April 2020 08:02 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian National Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) has officially issued a telegram containing law-enforcement guidelines in handling criminal activities amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The official telegram was signed by Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency, Comm. Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo on April 4.
The three main violations that police’s cyber patrol will monitor include the spread of coronavirus-related hoaxes, anti-government and anti-president smears, and online frauds regarding the sales of health equipment.
Criminal Code (KUHP) 207 will be used against those who commit defamation against the president and state-ministers while health equipment frauds will be charged under the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).
Following the issuance, the National Police has communicated its efforts along with internet service providers. The cyber police official guideline mentions about “monitoring the situational development and opinions that arise in the cyberspace and implement assertive law-enforcement.”
As of April 3, 2020, the national police handled 72 cases nationwide related to coronavirus online hoaxes.