Women's Parliament Representation at its Highest Post-Reform
5 July 2019 07:41 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The General Elections Commission (KPU) released a report on its official Twitter account about women’s representation at the Indonesian parliament, which the commission deemed the highest in the post-reform (pasca-reformasi) era.
The infographic shows that women’s representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2019 reached 118 seats.
This fact, says KPU, is the highest it has ever been throughout history; “Did you know that the 2019 general elections have the highest women’s representation at the House of Representatives (DPR) post-reform,” the Twitter account said.
This amounts to 20.5 percent from the entire DPR seats. As a comparison, 2014 saw only 97, or 17.3 percent, female representatives in the DPR.
The 2009 general elections were slightly higher compared to the 2014 general election that saw women filled 101 seats in the House of Representatives.
Meanwhile, the smallest number was recorded in 2004 when there were only 61 female representatives, or 11 percent, in the DPR.