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Thousands of Looted Packages Line Los Angeles Train Tracks

16 January 2022 13:59 WIB

People look for items on railway tracks littered with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles. California. U.S., January 14,2022. Thousands of opened and damaged packages lie across the railway tracks in east Los Angeles, well short of their intended destination. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB

TV cameras report live from railway tracks littered with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles, California. U.S., January 14,2022. According to Adam Rodriguez, a subcontractor for freight-hauling railroad Union Pacific, the packages are stolen from trains by thieves. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB

Railway tracks are littered with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles. California. U.S., January 14,2022. Some of the boxes are from Amazon and United Parcel Service. COVID-19 testing kits and other medical supplies are among the discarded packages. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB

Local resident Luke Mines takes photos as he looks at the mess on railway tracks littered with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles. California. U.S., January 14,2022. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB

A TV reporter takes photos of the mess created with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 14,2022. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB

People look for items on railway tracks littered with the remains of items stolen from passing freight trains, in Los Angeles. California. U.S., January 14,2022. REUTERS/Gene Blevins

15 Januari 2022 00:00 WIB