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Most Indonesian Women Think Beauty Leads to Success: Survey



26 September 2018 11:36 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Despite the varying and rightfully subjective definition of beauty that each and every individual has, a certain standard of beauty exists that creates discomfort among women and how they look.

A research conducted by Dove entitled “Indonesia Beauty Confidence Report 2017” showed that as high as 72 percent of Indonesian women believe they must reach a certain beauty standard in order to succeed.

“Many Indonesian women feel that success depends on their physical beauty. Those who feel that they are not beautiful enough deemed that they would not be successful,” said Ira Noviarti, Personal Care Director Unilever Indonesia at Eastern Opulence in South Jakarta on Tuesday, September 25.

Read also: 4 Behaviors That Successful People Avoid

However, according to Miranti Burhan, Senior Brand Manager Dove and Tresemme said that the definition of beauty varies; “Everyone has a sense of beauty that differs from other people,” she said.

According to the same research, there are at least 38 percent of Indonesian women that continues to compare themselves with other women, which resulted in their lack of confidence. This finding follows up to the data showing that 84 percent of Indonesian women who are unaware that they are considered beautiful.

Miranti Burhan asserted that women must be able to feel comfortable with themselves prior to focusing on their physical beauty. She argued that a confident woman is a woman that has a higher chance of reaching success.


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