TEMPO.CO, Malang - The Indonesian Navy had tightened security at the East Java's southern coast that spans from Pacitan to Banyuwangi, because the area has become known as a route taken by illegal immigrants, human traffickers and groups fish thieves.
“A monitoring post will be built at Popoh, Tulungagung,” said Col. Syamsul Rizal, Malang Navy Base Commander Monday, November 11.
Syamsul said that security at Pacitan's coastal area is a priority because there are a lot of large ships crossing the area. "The mobility of large ships in Pacitan is quite high,” he said.
Ali Yamang Hasan, chief of Malang's Immigration Office, acknowledged that Malang's coast had become the gateway for illegal immigrants' crossover to Australia. A number of cases were uncovered at the East Java southern coastal area, particularly in Malang.
"They crossed the borders through the southern coast of Malang,” he said.
Human smuggling to Australia is suspected to involve international network. Inside the network, there are also Indonesians in charge of crossing the illegal immigrants to Christmas Island in Australia. The illegal immigrants are suspected to enter Indonesia through Soekarno-Hatta airport, and later transported to Malang by land.